Sunday, February 27, 2011

Reviewed by you: Puffle jokes

Billybob has just made a new post on the Club Penguin blog. Last week he gave us a sneak peek of puffle food. He asked us '' What food you'd like puffles to eat in the future? Here's what Bebolebo's idea:

Here's my suggestion: We should be able to buy a BERRY BUSH like the puffles would see in the wild. Then we could put it in the middle of our igloo and the puffles could all eat off of it until the berries are all gone
They wanted to hear some of our puffle humor. Like whats your favourite puffle or pet joke. They said post your joke in a comment .And if they pick your's they will add 10,000 coin's to your account.Don't forget to give them the name of your account so they can add the coins.
Bye bye for now ( ;

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