Saturday, February 19, 2011

Club Penguin Cadence Tracker Puffle Party 2011

Cadence Tracker

Tips on how to find Cadence.

Tip #1.Cadence is a pink penguin with adidas style shoes and pink and purple hair,and a pink and yellow scarf.

Tip # 2.Cadence is usually on popular servers such as Sleet,Yeti,and Zipland and Alpine.Her favourite servers are Blizzard and Yeti.

Tip # 3.Cadence is a very popular on Club Penguin.So it is very hardy to find her,,so be sure to get there early.

Tip # 4.Cadence usaully stay on servers for 10-15 minutes.

To get her backround click on her player card and click on the box.
Here is a picture.

And here is a picture of the backround you will get.

Thats all on how to find her,Good luck on finding her (;

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