Friday, March 11, 2011

Club Pengin Whats new: Screenhog on Puffle History.

Screenhog has just posted a new post on the Club Penguin blog about Puffle History.
Last week,a penguin named Gwen78 said that she wanted to hear the history of where the puffles came from. Well, I have no idea where they originally came from, but I can tell you how they were all discovered on Club Penguin!

Screenhog answered"You see, it used to be that penguins thought that they were the only creatures that lived on the island... until something strange began to happen. Furry creatures began popping up all over the place".
He said that Club Penguin started of with four colours: blue, pink, green, and black.
And after tehy knew that the puffles were safe we started calling them puffles,so a pet shop was built so penguins can adopt them.

He will talk about more of how puffles were discovered another day.
Bye bye ( ;

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